Call Now! 661.205.7927

We Buy Houses in California
Let's Make You A Fair Offer

Prompt Home Offers was created to assist real estate owners in selling their property with the least amount of stress as possible. We want to make it easy, effective and efficient.

It is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Submit Your Info!

If you are ready to sell your property fast, without having to make any repairs, without having to deal with buyers, loans, or appraisers, all you have you have to do next is fill out your info in the "Opt-In" box. We will then make contact with you and start the process.

2. Receive An Offer!

We will make you an offer to review. If you are satisfied, we can then move forward. If you are not ok with the offer, we will do our best to get to your number. If you do OK our offer, we will set up an appointment to view the home to expedite the process and get you your check.

3. Receive Your CHECK!

If you are ready to sell your property fast, without having to make any repairs, without having to deal with buyers, loans, or appraisers, all you have you have to do next is fill out your info in the "Opt-In" box. We will then make contact with you and start the process.

REMEMBER, all this is FREE of charge; we never charge or never will charge you any fees. This is a no obligation offer. We will never pressure you or insist. There is no commitment on you part! You have nothing to lose, yet everything to gain.


There is no situation too small or too big. Prompt Home Offers prides it's self on assisting all sellers. If you have a property that is becoming a financial burden, we are here to help. We work on finding solutions to any real estate need. "We take the stress out of selling your home." We buy homes. Sell your home fast.

I Want A Free, No-Obligation Offer!

Fill Out Your Contact Info And We Will
Call You In 24 Hours Or Less.

You can call or text us any time! (661) 205-7927

Cities Where We Buy Real Estate:

Tulare County:

Fresno County:

Kings County:

Stanislaus County:

Other Counties Where We Buy Real Estate:

Other Cities Where We Buy Real Estate: